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House of #EdTech shares stories from teachers and creators about education technology, recommends the valuable tools, tips, and resources to integrate technology into your classroom and instruction and explores how technology is changing the way teachers teach along with the impact that technology is having in education.

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Jun 19, 2022

EdTech Thought (4:11)

Derek Larson visited the House of #EdTech! The Nesi's hosted the Larsons for the Jersey stretch of Derek's family vacation!

Featured Content (12:51)

On June 2, 2022, I hosted a Twitter Space about podcasting in schools. The conversation is packed with great questions from the great people who...

Jun 12, 2022

Featured Content (3:37)

Meet Mission Encodebale's founders! Cousins Harry and Anna Wake are the 15 and 14 y/o creators of Mission Encodeable. They are both high school students in England. In this conversation we discuss:

  • What inspired their love and passion for coding?
  • What inspired them to start and continue creating...