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House of #EdTech shares stories from teachers and creators about education technology, recommends the valuable tools, tips, and resources to integrate technology into your classroom and instruction and explores how technology is changing the way teachers teach along with the impact that technology is having in education.

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Sep 25, 2016

Katie Ann Wilson (@KatieAnn_76), wrote the book about augmented reality in education. She shares apps and resources as well how to best integrate augmented reality into your classroom.

Support for this episode of House of #EdTech comes from: - Use Promo code: HOUSEOFEDTECH

Sep 11, 2016

Justin Schleider (@schleiderjustin), New Jersey Phys. Ed. teacher shares his insight into how to integrate technology with phys. ed. students and the value of being a connected educator!

Support for this episode of House of #EdTech comes from: - Use Promo code: HOUSEOFEDTECH